At What Temperature Should I Set My Thermostat?

Posting Date: September 18, 2017
Posted by: Tom Mosley, Branch Manager of Dallas, TX

What are the optimum temperatures for your thermostat during the winter and summer months? Here’s a simple guide to help you to maximize your savings.

  • During winter – When you’re awake and at home during the colder months of the year, aim for a target temperature of about 68 degrees (higher than that and you’re burning more fuel than you probably need to). You can save money on your heating bills by lowering your thermostat a few degrees at eight-hour intervals – either while you’re at work or are asleep (a three to four degree temperature drop for eight hours a day could cut your energy bill by as much as 10 percent). If you have a programmable thermostat, take advantage of its automation features to make these temperature shifts for you.
  • During summer – Our bodies are typically most comfortable when our indoor air is consistently within a degree or two of 75 degrees during the hot summer months. This temperature setting is only needed when your house is occupied (and you’re awake). If you’re gone for long periods throughout the day, you can set the temperature several degrees higher and save money. Just don’t go overboard: an A/C – especially an undersized one – will have to overwork to return your indoor air to comfortable temperatures if you allow the house to get too warm, which leads to higher energy bills and unnecessary wear and tear on your cooling system.
  • When you’re away – You may be tempted to shut your heating or cooling system completely when you’re away, but that’s not the way to go. Turning your system completely off can result in high humidity levels and mold growth, since your indoor temperature will vary considerably and the air won’t be circulating.

Instead, make use of your hold/permanent/vacation feature to set your thermostat at a constant temperature that’s several degrees higher your “normal” operating temperature during summer trips, and several degrees lower on winter getaways.

Looking for other ways to save energy in your home? Check out these Energy Saving Tips – or contact us to learn ways that our Service Plans and equipment upgrades can save you money!